Changing the world is the business of all of us, do your part now with a gesture of generosity towards those who are most vulnerable!

Each year, thanks to your contribution, we have reached

Beneficiaries per year through our various humanitarian projects.
10000 +
Treatment sessions provided to patients per year in the clinic.
1000 K
Patients per year, regain their mobility and return to activities.
10 +
Municipalities benefit from our humanitarian interventions.

The volunteer program

The volunteer program invites qualified professionals, those recently graduated or in the first year of practice, students in their final or intermediate phase, to live an experience that allows them to contribute their profession to children, adolescents and adults living with disabilities in Haiti. In addition, this approach will allow them to promote their personal and professional development through a rich culture of sharing experiences. This will give you the opportunity to discover Haitian culture rich in gastronomy, music, beaches and tourist sites.

To get involved as a volunteer click here

Internship Program

FONHARE provides holistic care and support services to vulnerable people, disabled people or people with functional limitations through rehabilitation programs, disability prevention and maternal and child health (Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy, Speech therapy and equipment in clinical setting and in the community trough home services and We also offer other programs such as: Inclusion and Universal Accessibility, Inclusive Risk and Disaster Management, Inclusive Humanitarian Response and finally Child Protection and Gender-Based Violence.

Whether working in a clinical setting at FONHARE, working in our various programs and projects in the communities or providing training opportunities to community health workers, volunteers will have the opportunity to to learn and teach, to receive and give, and to experience the wonders of a rich culture with heavenly beaches, music, festivals, enriching gastronomy, a hospitable and courageous people and of a different and unique heritage in the world.

To get involved as an intern click here