Inclusion, Universal Accessibility and Economic Empowerment

One step after another!

FONHARE saw, however, that disability itself was only part of the problem, with attitudes towards disability being dominated by ignorance and suspicion, with disabled people seen as having little value, in as a burden, often left at home or abandoned, without contact with the outside world. This led to the second element of FONHARE's mission, that of Inclusion: ensuring that people with disabilities are full citizens, claiming the rights to which all are entitled.

To strengthen inclusion, FONHARE promotes Universal Accessibility to combat exclusion, discrimination and inequalities of opportunity for all citizens. We work with local businesses, government, community-based organizations (CBOs), organizations of people with disabilities (DPOs) and community leaders to eliminate all forms of physical, social and institutional barriers by building ramps, making accessible public spaces, by motivating the creation of accessible institutional public policies. Our aim is to break negative attitudes about disability, by creating awareness, increasing access, facilitating inclusion and building resilience in civil society.

Help develop thriving communities!

FONHARE has understood that a good way to strengthen the inclusion of disabled people and the most vulnerable is to make them economically independent and more useful to their community. That being said, it is extremely important to establish self-confidence and certainty that a better life is possible in Haiti for these vulnerable groups. From which comes Economic Empowerment aimed at supporting disabled people and single mothers to develop income-generating activities, helping them create businesses (grocery stores, livestock farming and others) while training them in leadership, entrepreneurship and personal development in order to reduce disparities between people with disabilities and those who are not, and between men and women.

Support offered:

• Advocacy
• Training
• Sensitization
• Accessibility
• Income Generating Activities

How to get involved?

  • With $300, you can help a disabled person or vulnerable woman start a goat farm in the countryside.
  • With $500, you can help a disabled person or vulnerable woman start their own business in the city and become economically self-sufficient.


Village Savings and Loan Association

People Sensitized
Institutions made accessible to people with disabilities
Professionals trained on inclusion and accessibility
Disabled people and women have developed an income-generating activity
Groups created and trained
Total number of people integrated into groups
Total loan granted to members
Total loan repaid