Mission, Vision & Values

Turn interest into action

Our Mission

Provide holistic and integrated support and care to vulnerable groups (disabled people, women, children and the elderly), regardless of their economic capacity.

And move forward with them towards inclusion to be productive, for themselves, for their families and for society. The service is based on ethics, quality, innovation, a suitable environment and up-to-date staff dedicated to the service.

Our Vision

Our long-term vision for Haiti is crystal clear. For FONHARE this means:

  • Provide a better quality of life for disabled children
  • Resilient and healthy families
  • An inclusive and resilient society.
  • Last but not least, provide the resources needed to promote thriving communities.

If we can accomplish these essential elements through our work, then we will accomplish great things for the people of Haiti..

Our Objective

To develop programs of handicap prevention, rehabilitation and education of all children, youth and adults with physical and/or intellectual disabilities, congenital or acquired, which put them in disadvantaged situations.

Our Core Values

  • Quality
  •  Honesty
  •  Dignity
  •  Ethics
  •  Accountability
  •  Transparency
  •  Human resources
  •  Child protection
  •  Feedback in the community
  •  Responsibility
  •  Working environment
  •  Expansion
  •  Security
  •  Innovation
  •  Love of neighbor

Our Bible Verse

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

“ Two are better than one,
    because they have a good return for their labor:
If either of them falls down,
    one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls
    and has no one to help them up. ”

FONHARE believes in the power of partnership, long live partnership!

Dr. Ivens Louius

Representing FONHARE at the United Nations (UNOCHA) for the Global Humanitarian Forum 2018.


Improving lives since 2011

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